

I think this was probably the funnest (is that even a word?)  halloween I've had for years!  I mean, heck, I actually dressed up!  That hasn't happened for a while.  So, Friday came around and I went to the Howl up here at USU.  Let me tell ya, that was quite the experience.  Luckily it wasn't as "eventful" as it has been in earlier years.  I hear that was quite the wild party a few years ago.  This year wasn't too bad.  The coolest part was the band Recycled Percussion.  That was a blast!  Anyway, it was just a good time hangin out with some good friends and seeing plenty of weird people!  Oh, for the record we saw about 15 guys dressed up as the Joker.  But, my friend Justin was the best one out of them all!

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